Saturday, September 20, 2014

Regulators/Prosecutors Moving Forward in UK and US FX Benchmark Investigations

Reuters sources  indicate that in the UK there is a push being made by the banks to come to a joint settlement with the FCA regarding the benchmark FX investigation.  A joint settlement reduces the reputational risk for each bank and would allow for the FCA to wrap up the investigation more quickly than pursuing each bank individually.  Indications are that such a settlement, if it occurs, could come as early as year end.

In the US there is a report that the DOJ has informants still working on the fx desks at several US banks. The DOJ is looking to charge individuals with crimes as an additional deterrent to the fines on the banks.  Perhaps it may also avoid a repeat of the criticism of the regulators following the LIBOR investigation that fines alone are merely a cost of doing business for the banks.

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